Ways can also be a chain reaction movement one thing after another, after such a dream we need to ask ourselves is this how you’re feeling? What do big dirty or muddy waves mean in a dream? The more the wind blows the greater the waves, equally anything that disrupts the surface can also create large gravitational waves. This is quite interesting from a spiritual perspective because symbolically it could mean there is something hidden emotionally that you are finding it difficult to express yourself. The waves are obviously affected by what is under the surface of the water. Waves can appear in a tsunami or a cyclone. We have sinned this in the hurricane of Katrina in 2005. When a storm happens generally the water builds up and can cause an immense amount of severe flooding. Long waves are known as trans-tidal waves, these are often found in the Pacific Ocean, North Sea, Gulf of Mexico Northern Atlantic Ocean. The word “waves” basically means vertical elements of the ocean surface. From what I read he basically carried out a number of different experiments with water into the heights and vertical distances of waves. As you can properly tell from his name he is German in descent.

A wonderful scientist is known as Wilhelm Eduard Weber (1804-91) first investigated waves, and he carried out extensive “water” based work in a laboratory. In this dream, I feel is important to understand what is happening to the surface of the water. What is the science behind the dream of big waves? This could indicate getting rid of old thoughts, problems, and people. To see waves could also be challenging you to think about the future. The wave is extremely calming and indicates that something old or an emotional problem or situation which is passed is really in the past. I must also say that watching gentle waves in a dream can make you feel content. In terms of the definition, I will say that the wave itself carries a message of the emotional movement. They all have something in common from a dream perspective and that is “movement.” Whatever wave appeared this dream meaning is relevant. Of course, there is a huge array of other waves such as sound waves, earthquake waves, light waves… I could go on. When we often think about waves we generally create a picture of the ocean in our minds. We only have to walk along the beach in order to see the lapping waves. We obviously all understand the definition of a wave. Because when you’re reading something will click and you will understand and decode your dream. I find it interesting to understand the facts of the symbolism that is being dreamed. I have a whole library of books and also a member of some private libraries in England and my quest is dedicated to ancient dream interpretation including understanding the dream symbol from a psychological perspective. When I’m writing a dream interpretation I like to research every single element. It’s part of the reason why surfing has grown to be so much more than a sport it has a feeling of freedom and life enhancement associated with it that has nothing to do with surfboards and everything to do with unlocking hidden parts of your psyche. The dream of riding giant waves is as old as surfing itself. These are the reasons why big waves are so rad.

When a surfer runs into one of these monsters, it isn’t just how you ride it but also how you react to riding it. There is so much mystique around them, it’s almost like they’re mythical beasts: huge in size and can swallow you whole! Maybe not but they definitely change the way surfing works. Occupational Hazardsīig waves are a staple in the surfing community, and we all dream about riding one someday. No human could ride on something like this it’s incomprehensible! Of course, the reality is that it isn’t hard to surf waves this size. Is it like a nightmare? When you see a photo of a wave that’s 30+ feet tall, your brain probably starts to shut down. Big waves are awesome! I’ve dreamt about big waves before, and there’s usually some confusion surrounding these dreams.